
Letter of Interest or Letter of Intent | Tips

Useful tips for Writing a Letter of Interest

letter of interest is a report that is used to get your name in front of hiring managers at companies you are interested in working with. A letter of interest is also called a “Letter of intent”.

Time to write a Letter of interest:

A letter of interest may be submitted at any time. Occasions where writing a letter of intent could be considered include:

  • You read an article about a fascinating business that is a good match for your talents.
  • You see a sign or announcement that you’re interested in working for a new business opening or expansion.
  • A contact tells you of a work vacancy that has not yet been released officially.
  • You see a business with an enticing community, place, or mission statement and you want to be the first to learn about the possibilities there.
  • You are looking for a more specialized role.

How  to write a letter of Intent:

In your next message, there are a few main elements you should include:

  • Name
  • Contact information for the employer
  • Date
  • Welcoming
  • Paragraph of introduction
  • Two or three paragraphs from the body
  • Closing paragraph

The data you can offer in your paragraphs of the body should include:

1- Begin with an introduction

Introducing yourself quickly and describing why you’re writing. Discuss the reasons why you are enthusiastic about the company’s prospect of working and why you appreciate its aims, products, marketing, or any other related quality.

2- Include recent skills built by you

Include unique soft and hard abilities that you have obtained as well as any key achievements from your most recent professional attempt. Where proper, give numbers to calculate your effect.

3- Describe your history of jobs

Choose an important project or story, if possible, about when you hit a major milestone, accomplished a big goal for your company, or made some other impact.

4- Explain why this job is a fit for you?

To tie your most important skills and principles back to the business and why you want to work there, use the last paragraph. Share enthusiasm for potential next steps and appreciation for their time and consideration.

Tips for writing a Letter of Interest:

Here are a few tips to increase the chances of employers hearing back.

  • Investigate the entity

Getting a thorough understanding of the organization, its priorities, and its principles will make the letter seem more important to the public. You can tie your own core beliefs into your motivations for showing interest in the business by reviewing your mission statement, social media, recent press releases, and other company news.

  • Network

Finding ties that work in the business to which you send a letter of interest will help you get other tips to make your letter stand out.

  • Learn the name of your audience

Using your reader’s name in the greeting will make your letter stand out quickly. It will help you learn about recruiting stakeholders who might be responsible for vetting letters of interest by doing online research or asking around the network.

  • Contain flexible skills

A letter of interest can act as a more general record of your most impressive achievements, unlike a cover letter where you can use keywords from a job description to stress specific abilities.

  • Format the Letter of Interest

It needs to have good formatting for your letter of interest to be transparent and impactful. For an example of how to format your letter of interest, see below:

Example of Letter of Interest:

Your contact information


Recipients contact information

Recipient Name,

Opening Paragraph: With brief and appropriate background information, insert your introduction and state your intentions.

The first paragraph of the body: Insert recent achievements, experiences, and abilities acquired that are important to the role.

The second part of the body: Insert your past experiences and how they fit with the place as well.

Closing paragraph: Insert why you think this place is the right fit and that you are interested in further discussing the opportunity with others.

Signature: At the end do your signature.

Difference Between a Letter of Intent and a Letter of Interest:

The primary distinction between a letter of interest and one of intent lies in the form of commitment made.

In the simplest terms, a letter of intent signals greater commitment than other types of letters. As Queen Beyonce famously said: “A letter of intent” is like saying, “I do” and then being accepted from a waitlist – you are officially committed to attending the medical school you have chosen.

Breaking a letter of intent has no legal repercussions in and of itself, however, it does reflect poorly on you as an applicant and could hurt your chances for admission elsewhere. Make sure only to write this initial letter once you are certain you will attend if they offer you an invitation.

Letters of interest work similarly to Valentine’s Day cards. You can send multiple notifications of your interest in schools you are considering attending.

Letters of interest should include all the same details that a letter of intent would, such as why you’re interested in attending medical school and why you feel qualified. However, be sure not to include that you plan to attend medical school if your waitlist status isn’t accepted.

When Should Write Letter of Intent and Letter of Interest:

If you’re thinking about writing a letter of intent as an important commitment, be patient and keep track of all waitlist announcements or acceptances before creating one.

Imagine writing a letter of intent for Medical School X before realizing you have been waitlisted at Medical School Y. Even if Medical School Y was your intended choice, you cannot rewrite the letter.

However, you are welcome to write your letter of interest before applying. Letters of interest show your enthusiasm for attending medical school and aren’t commitment-based so there’s less likelihood that these letters will be accepted.

However, you should avoid sending multiple letters of intent to one medical school. Letters of intent and update letters are two distinct documents; if your original letter of interest was successful and there are updates worth sharing, feel free to send the update letters; otherwise, wait. Having too many letters of interest can be like having too many sugars in tea – while it’s okay when used occasionally, excessive use could weaken your resume.

At the end of the day, don’t give admissions officers any reason to disqualify your application; pushing or sending multiple letters of intent does exactly that.

Check Also: Statement of Purpose Example |Template| Format


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