
How to Write a Book Review?

The idea of Picking a book to read for free or paid to read seems like a dream that comes true. There are many resources in internet where readers can find books for free to read. If you are keen to become a book reviewer, you should follow the following steps to write a interesting review.

There are three simple steps for writing a Book review.

  1. Write a summary: What is theme of the story? write about the main characters and conflict.
  2. Present your findings. What is the influence of the book on you? what are the factors that worked good and what did not.
  3. Recommendations: Give your point of view. whether you recommend this book or not?

lets have a detailed discussion on each step of how to write a review of a book?

Writing a Summary!

try to write a brief summary of the whole book. Mention the characters, main idea and theme of the story. In the summary do not mention the ending of the book or story . The ending should not be included in the summary of a book review.

There is a rule of a thumb, not to mention any idea that is far off the midpoint. Try not to write any detail of the story that happens at the center of the book. you can just mention the type, for example if the book  contains series or just a single episode.

Present your findings.

After going through the whole book, you should present your findings. Tell the readers about  your feelings towards the book. How it was explained and how it helped you? You can try answering the following questions.

  • Who is the main character you liked most and reason behind it?
  • Did you feel the character were real?
  • Does the story made you to guess the next episodes?
  • what did you liked most in the story and why?
  • How were you feeling while reading the book crying or laughing?
  • Does the story of the book made you curious about the next chapters?


The final task after reading a book is to give your reviews about the story. Whether you liked it or not. At the end of the story you can tell readers whether this book is recommended to read.

Summarize your findings about the book . Clearly mention your recommendation like the story is for kids or teenager’s or for adults? You can also write whether you liked this book or not? which part of the story is interesting and which part can be skipped while reading this book?

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