The ability to select a sound research topic is an important thing in the Research area. Your supervisor may select a topic for your Master’s or PhD degree. But most of the supervisor’s ask their students to choose a topic by their own.
So there are few things that needs to do before the selection of your research topic.
- First thing is to do brainstorming
- Select an idea that is more practical and has some potential in future research
- Ensure that the selected topic has some existing data and literature to get knowledge on it
- Try to make a list of basic keywords on your selected research topic
- Be flexible with your ideas
- Read more about your topic
- at the end define a thesis statement
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#1 Brainstorming a Topic
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The first step or the easiest start is doing brainstorming on the topic u are going to select. Take best of your time in taking an idea about your research topic. Try to go beyond your comfort zone and also do detailed research on what’s trending and what has potential in future.
#2 Selection of the Topic
The next task is selecting a topic, that seems easy but in real it’s not that easy. Choose your topic very wisely if you want your next steps to be painless and less worrying.
#3 Be Very Specific
Once you select your research topic, then go deep into it and try to make it more specific and clear. for example you select a topic of Environment then its very broad. Select a specific topic from environment like Pollution than go further narrower like water pollution.
This will help you to organize your research. If this step takes your time , its alright because you need to spend some time to choose the best.
#4 Read more on your topic
This is the stage where you have to spend most of your time reading and searching about the research topic you have selected. Research more and more. Gather as much data as you can, read more papers from the previously research reports. Make notes about what you have learned? what you are going to do? which methods you need to follow? what challenges you are going to face etc.
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