Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships 2023-24 | Study In Canada
Scholarships In Canada

Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships 2023 are open to International Students studying Ph.D. degree programs within the area that covers All Subjects taught at McGill University and are due by May 25, 2023.
The Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowship at McGill University is an esteemed award given to exceptional doctoral students conducting research in engineering, natural sciences, and technology fields. This award provides financial assistance and recognition to the winner, with the aim of drawing top talents to McGill University. Professor Dr. Stephen Tomlinson – a former McGill professor and renowned scientist renowned for his contributions to engineering research – was named in honor of this award. Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowship recipients receive financial assistance to cover living and tuition expenses, as well as research opportunities and professional development experiences. To be eligible for consideration for this fellowship, applicants must be accepted into an academic program for doctoral students at McGill University and possess strong academic credentials along with research experience.
McGill University is a globally renowned research university located in Montreal, Canada. Established in 1821, it’s one of Canada’s oldest institutions with more than 40,000 students across various fields such as engineering, sciences, arts, medicine and law. McGill has an impressive research agenda which consistently places it among the top universities both within Canada and around the world.
Studying in Canada offers international students a unique and diverse experience, including top-quality academic programs and an inviting community. Canada is renowned for its superior educational system and multicultural society that fosters an atmosphere that welcomes and supports students from around the world. Furthermore, Canada boasts an excellent standard of living that makes it an ideal destination to live and study. Studying here gives students an opportunity to be immersed in another culture, learn a new language, and gain valuable skills that will be useful when applying for jobs after graduation.
Tomlinson Scholars were established in 2000 through a generous donation by Dr. Richard H. Tomlinson and are awarded annually to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) to help those deserving of Doctoral degrees. These fellowships have become one of GPS’s most coveted internal awards, often leading to other prestigious awards such as Vanier’s or CGSDs.
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Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships Canada 2023-2024:
Table of Contents
- Canada
- McGill University
- PhD
- International Students
Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships Canada 2023-2024 Benefits:
- The Graduate Mobility Award provides graduate students at McGill with financial assistance to study abroad during their degree program, covering the cost of their experience abroad.
- Maximum annual grant is up to $355,000 and renewable for two years.
- International students also qualify for the DFW or Differential Fee Waiver (DFW).
Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships Canada 2023-2024 Eligibility Criteria:
- Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships will be awarded to students accepted into the doctoral program at McGill University with a start date of fall 2023. Students currently in the program or whose most recent degree was either completed or in progress at McGill are ineligible; however, former McGill students who earned academic degrees elsewhere can apply. Furthermore, those visiting McGill while working towards fulfilling requirements for another university may apply.
- McGill requires students with a first-class academic record to be eligible. For these purposes, an individual must have achieved an overall GPA of 3.7 (or 3.5 for Law students) for each of the past two (2) years of full-time study at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
- Tomlinson scholars who receive grants from outside agencies to McGill (federal or provincial) are entitled to one-half of the total Tomlinson Fellowship amount, up to $50,000 annually.
Application Procedure For Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships Canada 2023-2024:
Candidates must submit their application to the college or department in which they plan to study. In some cases, internal submission deadlines may differ from GPS deadlines; thus, it’s best to contact your department directly for details regarding submission procedures.
When applying for a job, applicants should provide the following documents:
- The Application Form
- Two Letters of Recommendation
- Letters from external referees providing feedback on the academic or research accomplishments and potential of the applicant should be forwarded directly to their academic department.
- A proposed supervisor’s statement of opinion regarding:
- How the proposed project is related to the supervisor’s research programs;
- Source(s) of funding for support;
- Accessible resources like facilities, space equipment, and expertise required for success;
- How will this benefit society as a whole?
- Official transcripts and certified copies of university-level study (graduate as well as undergraduate)
- Candidates must possess both an admission form and a funding application.
If selected, your academic or departmental unit will forward your application along with any necessary documents directly to GPS on your behalf. Please do not send these documents directly to GPS.
McGill University Strategic Priorities:
McGill’s esteemed academic community boasts more than 400 Doctoral and Master’s degrees, making it renowned for its quality across all disciplines and professions. Graduate, as well as Postdoctoral Research’s primary goal, remains to make McGill University the top graduate school in North America. To accomplish this objective, GPS must collaborate with academic departments, devise strategies for strategic planning, monitor academic standards for postdoctoral education and graduate training, and ensure oversight of faculty members.
GPS has set several strategic objectives, both short- and long-term. They draw upon its traditional strengths while adapting policies and procedures to fit the demands of 21st-century graduate education. In doing so, GPS aims to provide leadership, advocacy, and direction that will assist the university in:
- Make sure that financial aid is accessible to students
- Help graduate students finish their degrees on schedule
- Guarantee high-quality supervision for graduate students.
- Craft and design graduate programs to meet student needs.
- Assuring high-quality review and administration for each thesis
- Enhancing graduate student experience while providing professional-level training for academic as well as non-academic jobs
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Organizational Structure:
- The Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has administrative and academic oversight over graduate programs and postdoctoral research, sharing this responsibility with deans of faculties in disciplinary disciplines. As Deans, they supervise both graduate Studies as well as Postdoctoral Studies.
- The Associate Deans of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies are responsible for managing postdoctoral and graduate student affairs. They offer assistance to postdocs, graduate students, as well as their supervisors, in solving difficult situations. Furthermore, these alumnae serve as supervisors to every graduate student. Furthermore, Associate Deans create graduate programs and policies related to these studies, plus serve on university committees.
- Associate Deans responsible for Graduate Education are accountable for creating graduate programs, postdoctoral opportunities, and policies. Furthermore, they hold positions on many university committees; typically one Associate Dean per faculty.
Application Deadline:
The Application Deadline For Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships is May 25, 2023