
Why are Letterheads Important in Business letters?

Letter Head Examples and Templates

Tools like emails are a click away to send your words to your customers or business collaborators. But we don’t see letters sent via emails very common in the digital World. In simple words, this sharp method of mailing letters doesn’t show much of your care for customers. You require something elegant to pull your client’s interest at first look. That’s where letterheads are valuable.

What are letterheads?

A letterhead is the heading at the top of a letter paper. It commonly encompasses company name, company logo, address, and contact information. A well-created letterhead makes the letter papers look more formal and professional. Hence, grabs the attention.

Where we can use letterheads?

Commonly, people believe that only big companies utilize Letterhead to communicate with different parties. Nevertheless, the reality is that businesses of any size that may be individual, a small organization, or a large corporation should use letterheads in their letters.

Moreover, letterheads can be utilized for numerous other purposes, such as:

  • Writing records
  • Minuting gatherings or conferences
  • Presenting legal announcements and interdepartmental statements
  • Delivering business associated information for other parties.

Letterheads aren’t only used in offices. Even at home, people now utilize letterheads for their purposes.

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How letterheads help us to influence?

In this portion, let’s have a look at how letterhead can help to boost our business:

1- Fundamental introduction

Letterhead is one of the most valuable piece of any initiative that encompasses the company logo, address, and contact details.
Every company has its letterhead. Which portrays the company’s image and also brands the company by its logo. Therefore, ignoring the letterhead can be the biggest mistake, which cannot just suppress the growth but also affects the brand’s image.

2- Usage in legal documents:

The letterhead is always used in all official documents because it gives more value to the document. This usage of letterhead helps to make the documents more appealing and authentic.

3- Portrays professionalism:

Client’s always like if they are approached formally. A well-designed and right arrangement of a letterhead improves professionalism.

Many customers believe that the cover letter is a big source to measure the competency of a company.

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4- Impact on the customer:

The first look matters a lot. What people see on first look decides what they will think about us. Here comes the letterhead which should be eye-catching and clear.

Most people make a perspective regarding the company just by looking at the letterhead. This needs a lot more attention and value because this is the first thing customers get.

5- Marketing tool:

Letterhead gives a clear idea about a corporation, hence it can be a tool to attract customers to your company.

  • What to consider while creating a letterhead?

There are a few quick things you need to consider:

  • Size of Letterhead : It should be 900px to 100px.
  • Letterhead template: There are various types of templates but the most famous option is easily- centered layout.
  • Letterhead resolution: It should have a resolution of 300 dpi minimum.


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