
Personal Statement Example | Template | Sample

Personal Statement for Scholarship | Job

A personal Statement Example is a helpful document to help students and job seekers in making their own Personal statement.

A personal statement is an interpretation of your academics achievements, Awards and your future goals. That are often based on the job you are applying for or the university you are going to enroll yourself.

Perspective universities and employers may require a personal statement that provides your educational background and your skills for a job position or university admission. Writing a detailed and attractive personal statement may increase your chances of winning the required position. A well-drafted personal statement can provide you more chances over the other applicants. It may help you to obtain a scholarship or a job you are aspiring for.

We have provided the real time Personal Statement Example to assist you in making your own Personal Statement.

Please see the link below to see the Personal statement template.

Example of Personal Statement or Motivation Letter For Scholarship Application

Motivation Letter or Personal Statement

The opportunity to have access to education itself is a blessing and to acquire your education from
world class European universities would be a dream come true for any individual driven by the
knowledge society. Coming from the northern and remote part of a country XYZ,, a region situated away from the urban dwellings with little access to quality education yet possessing the highest literacy rate in the country, shows the passion that the people have for wisdom.
I believe education is a continuing process; there is no limitation of age and gender, as the saying goes,
“Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.” I have spent the greater part of my life away from my
hometown in search of quality education. When I reminisce about the challenging years: migrating to
the biggest city of Pakistan Karachi, learning a new language and adjusting to the new environment was no doubt tough though fascinating as well.
When children are normally asked “what they would want to become when they grow up or where do
they see themselves in the years ahead?” The answer most of the times is they would want to be a
doctor, an engineer or a pilot. On the other hand my passion since a young age was about engineering; especially towards construction of real estate. I wondered who designed these giant high-rise buildings.
My father who is my inspiration, guide and mentor would tell me about civil engineers and architects.
He would emphasize their role towards the development of society; especially towards my underdeveloped town. After completing high school, I studied civil engineering from abc university of
Engineering & Technology, where I was exposed to various academic activities, projects, assignments and real-life scenarios.
I was taught numerous subjects ranging from surveying, steel structures, water and sanitary engineering to economics. One subject that really caught my attention was Environmental Engineering because of the importance for a pollution free environment. Unfortunately, I had the option to only study one course, but it was enough to enlighten the importance of protecting and conserving our environment.
As a Civil Engineer, I know that the environment is affected severely during construction; through proper planning, close monitoring and according to the international environmental policies the environment can be protected. I believe that we need to adopt a more sustainable way of development.
We should focus on developing alternative sources of energy to reduce the burden on the use of non-renewable energy resources since the use of coal, oil and gas not only involves a very difficult extraction process but causes absurd amounts of damage to the environment as well. The use of nonbiodegradable items must be discouraged and the use of recycled products must be promoted to reduce the waste reaching the landfill sites.
Pakistan has a very poor sewerage and solid waste management system coupled with lack of technology to meet the needs of the growing population in the metropolitan cities like Karachi, Lahore and so on. Only a few percentage of waste collected reaches the landfill sites to be disposed-off properly. The advance machinery required to collect the waste for either disposal or recycling is inadequate coupled with flaws in the management system. This means that the waste either piles up on the street corners or is burnt producing dangerous pollutants threatening the health and welfare of the general populations.
My country, Pakistan has a lot issues and one of the challenges that we are facing is the environmental issues. Governments have not given much importance hence this area lags behind. In the recent times, Pakistan has completed the ‘Billion Tree Tsunami’ project where billion trees were being planted to address the global issue of global warming.
The recent government has also launched another country wide ten billion tree plantation drive. Projects like these will certainly help to reduce the green house effect thus help to improve the environment. This shows that the government is taking interest to
improve the environmental conditions, but this will only be successful if each and every individual takes the responsibility and ownership to conserve the environment for a healthy living.
Unfortunately, environmental studies have been ignored in Pakistan except for a few universities
offering courses in undergraduate & graduate levels. The research is still at an initial level owing to the negligence to this field of study and the lack of interest by the government and other stake holders. With the increasing environmental problems, the need and importance of environmental engineers and research in this particular field will increase to find advance techniques to fight environmental challenges.
The ‘International Masters of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering’ is a great program for me to pursue my dream career in environmental engineering and play a little role in the protecting and conserving the environment for the future generations to come.

I want to learn the advance technological techniques and engineering solutions not only to handle the environmental problems of my own country but will have the opportunity to serve the global community as well. Interaction with different students and scholars from around the globe will give me the chance to familiarize myself with the environmental challenges in other parts of the world and how they have stood up to tackle the problems.

Since this program provides with the opportunity to travel to at least three countries and studying in the best universities of the world will surely provide me with the international exposure, boosting my confidence level thus helping me to become a strong professional ready to serve both locally and internationally.

yours Sincerely


click here to download the Personal statement Template

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  1. I am geologist.i am voluntary to lean in Chinese university. If your campus gives geology field,i will have apply .i head good news from your company.

  2. would like to apply for a Ms in Water management for development but been asked to write a personal statement explaining my motivation foe studying the program, any relevant skills and experiences through studying or working and my future career aspirations.
    am from uganda and i have a bachelors in civil and environmental engineering

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